This first one of Dawn and the creepy little guy took me a long time to complete. I had the idea in my mind of what I wanted to do but collecting the right parts took some time. I am not completely satisfied with how the old guy turned out. He is a redo version of an original one that I made. The neck is awkward due to the head snapping off and me gluing it back on.
For Dawn I did nothing. I did not modify her and I felt this piece was accurate enough.
For the old guy: I originally used a Phoebe head from the Charmed warrior set. I used a white witch Willow body. After I sculpted the figure a friend said the man looks like a woman (with the white crew cut hair). So I trashed that and redid the figure this time using a gentleman figure body. I kept the Phoebe head but I cut off the eyes (since they had a bulging look to them when they were painted) and the lips. I tried to resculpt the lips which didn't turn out too horrible. I also had to sculpt the ears, hair and some of the aged wrinkles. For the gentlemen body I really had to cut away at this. For one, the gentleman's coat came down too low. So I had to cut away at that. Then I had to resculpt the coat and pants. I used the arms from a Buffy Deluxe figure. Here are the pictures of the redo figure.
For the stand I used a matchbox car ramp thing (I think). I added a lot of bits and bobbles to the top to recreate the top of the tower. This tower is not proportional but it does look nice. I did not take before pictures (shoot!). I used metallic silver spray paint to cover the whole thing. When I used a sealer spray, the metallic lost it's shimmer and it make the plastic look more metal and real. I like this look.
Old version of the guy.
New version
The last of the three parts is where Glory hits the head off the Buffy Bot and Buffy is standing right behind her ready to say, "Glory, you really aren't the brightest God in the heavens are you?"
Glory has no modifications.
For the Buffy bot I used the Buffy body from the 3-pack Summer's Album figures. I also used Willow arms. I sculpted the leather jacket, and Buffy's pony tail. I love how the hair came out. It is too bad she went face down because I spent a lot of time on the front side that you can't see. 

For the real Buffy I used a cast of a Buffy head, Deluxe Faith's arms, and Willow torso and legs. I sculpted the hair and shirt. She turned out really pretty. The face isn't the best but I am not good at painting faces. Here are the pictures:
Here is the 3 parts together: