Season 3, Episode 7: Revelations
Original Air Date: 17 November 1998 Gwendolyn Post, a by-the-book English Watcher, says the council sent her as Faith's new one, or rather to assess the whole situation in Sunndydale, looking down upon understandably stressed Giles and on his library. She takes charge of their next common mission: slaying the demon Lagos and destroying his weapon, the glove of Myhnegon, which is in the tomb of the von Hauptman family on Restfield cemetery. Angel, back to his tender self, gets it for Buffy, but is seen kissing her by Xander, who reports this to Giles, who is deeply hurt, especially with Post breathing down his neck, but doesn't tell her; later worried and -despite kissing Willow again- jealous Xander does. When Giles shows surprised Gwendolyn the glove Buffy brought him and the ritual he found to destroy it, her hidden agenda proves a huge problem for everyone, the gang only finds out when Faith is already on the wrong foot...
Original Air Date: 17 November 1998 Gwendolyn Post, a by-the-book English Watcher, says the council sent her as Faith's new one, or rather to assess the whole situation in Sunndydale, looking down upon understandably stressed Giles and on his library. She takes charge of their next common mission: slaying the demon Lagos and destroying his weapon, the glove of Myhnegon, which is in the tomb of the von Hauptman family on Restfield cemetery. Angel, back to his tender self, gets it for Buffy, but is seen kissing her by Xander, who reports this to Giles, who is deeply hurt, especially with Post breathing down his neck, but doesn't tell her; later worried and -despite kissing Willow again- jealous Xander does. When Giles shows surprised Gwendolyn the glove Buffy brought him and the ritual he found to destroy it, her hidden agenda proves a huge problem for everyone, the gang only finds out when Faith is already on the wrong foot...
I really like this episode and I wanted to create a scene from this episode. I managed to get the glove of Myhnegon through a trade and I started making the figures. I used this figure's head for Gwendolyn Post.
After I started making this and the more I studied the actress I thought a better head would be Hermione from the NECA Harry Potter line. I only had one figure and she was in my permanent display so I didn't want to ruin this figure. It also would cost too much to try and replace her. So I stuck with other other figure pictured.
My challenge in using this head was I had to remove some of the hair covering her forehead. I've sculpted pieces in the past where I changed the face (see James as an action figure) and it just didn't turn out. I was very nervous this wasn't going to work either. After the hair was cut away, I managed to sculpt a smooth forehead and then the hair. Here you can see the forehead sculpt:
I then used a "The Wish" Cordelia body (minus the head). This body was perfect because she had the dress on, plus the shoes matched what was actress wore in the show. The only challenge here was sanding down the arms. The Cordy action figure had sleeves pulled up to the elbow. I had to cut away the sleeves and sand down the elbow area. Then I sculpted over both arms to make a nice, smooth arm.
Originally I wanted to make the part where Gwen is thrusting the glove into the air and the lightning comes through the roof window and is pulled toward the glove. I'm not sure why I decided not to go that route. I settled on the scene where Buffy picks up a chunk of glass and is ready to throw it at Gwen, cutting off her arm. Here is a reference photo:
The other challenge was getting the arms positioned like the scene I was trying to create. There is little movement in the arms to begin with so it was challenging getting them set in the position I wanted. Also, I wanted her fingers clutching her elbow. In order to get the fingers to bend I found that if you boil the plastic you can sort of mold it. Here came the challenge--you have to boil the clay to harden it but once you stick the figure in water, the fingers that were just bent into position will go back to their original position. I couldn't remold the hands or any slight movement in the arm--the clay would crack and break. I managed to get the fingers somewhat bent and I decided to leave what I could get. The figure's shoulders are a bit broad but not terribly noticeable. I also had to drill a hole in the glove so I could slip the arm (minus a hand) into the glove. Here are some before pictures:
Here are the finished pictures:
For Buffy, I wanted figure with a tank top on and flared pants at the bottom. I was going to use a Charmed Piper figure but her waist was too narrow and her legs were a bit awkward, and I didn't want to try to resculpt this part. I thought it would be easier to use part of the deluxe figure with some of the Piper pieces. Here is my Frankenstein figure:
I ended up using the EOD Buffy head and arms and thighs. I used the Piper torso and bottom legs. I then sculpted over the pants to make it look uniform, I also sculpted Buffy's Jacket and the back of her hair. When I glued the torso to the top of the waist, I had it arched back a bit to give Buffy the appearance like she was getting ready to throw something.
Here are some before pictures:
I'm wasn't happy with how Buffy's pants looked after I painted them. It looked sloppy especially in the crotch area. Though you can't really tell, Buffy's head should have been looking up more but now it just looks like she is looking at the glove, which is fine.
Here is a Buffy picture:
For the display I decided to use some foam poster board for the floor. I made Buffy standing by part of the broken door she and Faith smashed through. There is glass below her. (I just cut up a CD cover). Below Gwen is more shattered glass and wood pieces (from when the lightning blasted through the window). I also used silver glitter to show tiny shards of glass. I also painted the floor to look like Angel's mansion.
Here are the two figures together and the whole set: