Sunday, February 15, 2009

Season 2, Episode 8: The Shroud of Rahmon
Original Air Date: 21 November 2000. When Gunn's cousin becomes involved in a plan to rob a museum, it's up to the gang at Angel Inc. to help him get out of it. The robbers are after the Shroud of Rahmon. Going undercover with the demon thieves, Angel and Gunn are soon in over their heads. The Shroud has magical powers that turn people crazy. Soon it's infecting all of them, even Angel. Angel's relationship with Detective Kate Lockley is both bettered and worsened when she intrudes on the heist.

I'm not sure what prompted me to start making this scene years ago. I think it was that fact that Kate Lockley was a big character in the show and I was upset they did not make her into an action figure. My early attempt at making this scene was quite bad. I'll post some of those pictures.

For Kate I used a Darla head and a Faith (white tank top/boots) figure. I did sculpt her coat which didn't turn out so bad.

Here is the reference photo (and my figure):

For Angel I used a deluxe 50s Angel figure. I sculpted the button-down shirt, and the sport jacket. I also added some volume to his hair to try to get the spiky look.

For the Shroud of Rahmon I used cardboard and formed it into a box. I used some of the plastic that comes with the figures--the bubble covering for the window.

And the two of them together:

I knew I wanted to redo this piece at some point in time. After seeing a Kate figure that a member (Sasha) on the BtVSFigs forum site created, it gave me an idea of what head I could use to make my Kate. Here is Sasha's figure (from the distance it looks just like the person):

My fear in making Kate was that it would not be as good as what Sasha did. People would be comparing the two. I didn't let that get into the way and I went ahead and made my figures.
For Kate I used a Heroes Claire head, and a deluxe Kendra body. I also used part of Leo's Kilt from the Charmed warrior figure to make the coat. Here are the unpainted pictures:

Here is my painted version of Kate.

For Angel I recycled the old figure that I made. I broke off most of the old clay. I cut off the hair. I then re-sculpted the hair, bare chest, and button-down shirt. I decided against trying to re-do his sport jacket. I instead used one of Wesley's jackets (the Bad Girls figure).

The painted version: There were a couple of tricky parts. In the show his jacket is much darker than his bright blue pants. It is hard to tell in the picture, but it should be two shades of blue. The other part that was tricky was boiling the figure enough to harden the clay and allow me time to open up his closed fingers (without breaking the clay). I managed to get them as open as possible, then I ran it under cold water to harden the plastic. Some of the finges are crooked looking but it was the best I could do considering how careful I had to be. Angel had these really cool greenish-yellow eyes (almost like his shirt). It was hard painting the eyes to make it look like the show (and real looking). It was hard painting this because Angel's eyebrow bump is so close to his eye that it doesn't leave a lot of room to paint in the details. I think it turned out better than I planned.

For the beast I started off using this figure from, I think, Lord of the Rings. I realized that the feet would need to be cut off and the fingers would have to be opened up. So, to save that work, I decided to keep the head since it allowed the most flexibility in adding clay and the chest.

I then decided on using these parts:

I decided to use a basketball player's arms since it was the right size and they were extra parts sitting around. I also had this figure's legs (but I'm not sure what figure they came from). I did add a wooden doll between the bottom and top parts to make the figure taller. Angel stood at about chin level to this figure.

I didn't like the mouth being opened so I cut that off. My attempt at making new lips didn't go as I wanted, but I kept it. It was only after I painted the figure that I realized that the lips were way to high on the face and I should have made them lower or cut off some of the chin. All in all I liked how he turned out. I also had to sculpt the backbones that were coming off his head and down his back. You can also see them raising the material on the back of his shirt.

The problem I had with this guy was some cracking issues. You can probably see some cracking on his leg and on his right side shirt area. I did use some hot glue to rub over the crack before I painted it. I decided that if I sculpt hair it would probably look dumb and unrealistic. I used some long, white hair from a stuffed animal, glued that on after I painted the head, then painted the hair a light shade of gray.

And here is the painted version:

I decided to put Gunn (and Wesley) into this scene since they were all somewhat part of the drama. I made Gunn clutching his head (because he thought there was flies in it) and I made Wesley behind Angel--because he was warning Angel about the Shroud just as Kate arrived to carry on her cop duties.

For Gunn I used a cast of the basket ball player's head. I use the figure of Jamison #4 of the Wizards. I also used Spike's spare deluxe arms and an Angel body. I sculpted Gunn's hooded sweatshirt. This is also the only figure I made a stand for. I made him leaning up against the concrete block wall.

The painted version:

For Wesley I used a Bad Girls figure. I used a smaller jacket (from a different Wesley figure) for his jacket. It is all repainted. I did use the glasses that come with this figure. I repainted the rims black since his glasses were black. They look ridiculous on him as I have not figured out how to to make glasses look "normal."

To make the new Shroud box I used foam board. It is also covered in thick paper-cardboard for the design on the outer part. I did cut out a spot for the glass window. I used a CD case cover to make the window and i cut into it to look like the crack. The Shroud of Rahmon (not picture I don't think) is the same piece I used from my old box. I tried using a cloth and repainting the face but I liked the old thing I made--(just a piece of clay with the demon etched into it, then painted).
Here are some before and after pictures. I also took pictures of the old box and the new box together.
And finally here are some pictures of the characters all together. The first one is a before look of how I wanted the pieces arranged.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tough Love Glory and Tara

I wanted to stretch my abilities as a growing customizer so I wanted to recreate the scene where Glory sticks her hands into Tara's head, sucking out her brains. The only downfall was I needed to find a park bench that would be in proportion to the 6 inch figures (12:1 scale) and I needed to figure out how to make Tara with ears. I managed to find the park bench for a reasonable price on ebay. I also came across a Peter (?) figure--from Spiderman. His facial features are similar to Tara and he has ears!

Here are the parts I used.

I used a Glory head on a Charmed figure's torso/arms. I also used Cordy's legs (purple dress). The rest of her I sculpted. For Tara I used the Peter head and the Graduation Faith's body. I think that is a Buffy jacket also.
Glory was pretty easy to sculpt. Once I got the pieces to hold togher, I was able to sculpted the dress. I also had to sculpt her wild hair! I was going to redo the shoes but thought it best to leave that alone. (Again, I don't know why this blogger flips my pictures--I can't rotate them one they are being edited....grrr)

Tara wasn't all that difficult to sculpt either. Her jacket was longer so I had to add clay to the jacket to extend it. Here are some pictures of that:

Things looked like they were going to be good...that is until I started painting. I guess boy heads should be used for boy customs and likewise for girls. Or at least for me.

Here is what the painted pieces turned out to look like.

As you can see, as much as I really wanted this to turn out, it didn't. It looks like a guy wearing make-up. So as much as I didn't want to--I ditched that head and decided to try the only Tara head that was made (I used a cast of her head). I would just have to sculpt the ears.

Here is picture of that:

I think it's plain to see that the head just was not large enough compred to Glory's head and it didn't sit right on the body. (but darn it because I liked the hair sculpt with this figure)

So a woman (Barb) on the BtVSFigs forum told me that some people used a Daena (Planet of the Apes) figure before they came out with a Tara figure for customs. So I found a great deal on one on ebay and I decided to give it a go--since I've put so much time into this piece and I didn't want to trash it.
Here is the makings of the new Tara....

I also decided to just sculpt her jacket instead of using a manufactured one. It just looked nicer.

And now the finished piece. I wasn't especially thrilled how it turned out. It looks like Tara but the lips are making this monkey face which is throwing me off. They don't reflect the pain she is showing in here eyes. I did end up sculpting ears. I had perfect ears at one time--no joke, but go figure they were too low on her face so my 8th attempt after that, I gave up trying for perfection. I took pictures of her and the ears just looked huge. So I painted some hair over her ears so make the ears look smaller. I don't think I re-took pictures to show that. So if the ears look huge on her, it's not that bad anymore.

As far as the base, I used the back side of a base that comes with some figures. I filled it in with come cheap clay (FEMO--I didn't want to use up my good stuff). I also used two grass bases and filled in the gaps with the cheaper clay.
This sure has come a long way from my original idea to where it will remain now. I couldn't get Glory's hands to work to make them inside Tara's head. First off, her arms were too short. Part of this had to do with the way she was sitting (and she was sitting like this in the show) so I'm not sure how that was possible. I think if I had sculpted the figures more together--as one piece, not two, it would have worked. One of Glory's arm had to reach from behind and then her hand had to curve into Tara's head. There was no way I could make this work without making it super fragile. I think the end product gets the point across that Glory is going to attack Tara.