Season 2, Episode 22: Becoming: Part 2
Original Air Date: 19 May 1998. Buffy arrives too late to save the gang from Drusilla's surprise attack, and ends up being arrested for the murder of one of her friends after Principal Synder (acting under orders from a mysterious, unseen third party), has her framed for the killing. Escaping from the police, she discovers that Willow is comatose, Giles has been kidnapped, and she is almost totally alone going into the final battle with Angelus. She heads out to rescue Giles and stop Angelus once and for all... with the help of a most unlikely ally: Spike who wants a temporary alliance so Buffy and kill Angelus and he can have Drusilla back.
Original Air Date: 19 May 1998. Buffy arrives too late to save the gang from Drusilla's surprise attack, and ends up being arrested for the murder of one of her friends after Principal Synder (acting under orders from a mysterious, unseen third party), has her framed for the killing. Escaping from the police, she discovers that Willow is comatose, Giles has been kidnapped, and she is almost totally alone going into the final battle with Angelus. She heads out to rescue Giles and stop Angelus once and for all... with the help of a most unlikely ally: Spike who wants a temporary alliance so Buffy and kill Angelus and he can have Drusilla back.
The idea for this piece came from a fellow customizer who lives in France. I was going through some rough spots with customizing figures and she really helped me out. I've always wanted to collaborate with someone on a figure and she suggested that I make this scene. She made the part where Buffy is about to face Angelus. I created the scene where Willow is trying to make a curse to put on Angel to get him back to his nice self--not evil vampire. In doing the curse spell she is taken over by a power. This is the motivation for this piece.
Here is the link to our thread:
Show picture:
I started out making Willow's hospital bed. I used the bottom part of a stretcher from an X-files hospital gurney bed. The bottom part looked like the bottom of a hospital bed. I then used a plastic stand that comes with DST figures. I started filling in the bed with cheap sculpy clay. I also used two of the pillows that came with the Charmed warrior figures. Here you can see the top part and bottom part almost totally filled in.
The dumb mistake I made that I should have learned from the last time I did this was I baked this--when this clay is baked (not boiled like I usually do) it gets really hard. I baked it for too long and the plastic part melted, shrunk and warped. Luckily the clay didn't break with it. The bed has a slight upward bend to it and I had to go back and fill in awkward gaps. Luckily, it didn't turn out all that bad!
Here you can see the curve in the bed.
I used super sculpy clay to cover over the pillows to make one pillow, and I covered over the bed for the bottom bed sheet. I made some wrinkles and folds in it. Then I made the top blanket part. My first version was much neater with folds. But, I had to redo Willow (you'll see why in a bit) and that meant breaking my neat blanket. So if you notice differences in the pictures that is why.
For Willow I used the remaining bottom of the Peter Parker figure (butt and thighs), and a Doppelgangland Willow torso and head. I also used the series 1 Cordelia arms/hands. 

I had a heck of a time getting Willow's head to lean way back. In the show she was looking straight up and I had to cut away at the back of her head to get to to lean back. I then sculpted on her hospital gown and her hair (and ears).
As I was starting to assemble all the pieces I noticed Willow had this horrible lean --as my French friend that was making the other half to this set said,"It looks like she is leaning back to watch the tv."
This is why I had to redo this part. This time I sat her more up-right and I also filled in the arch of her back with clay to give the illusion of a more erect position.
I then attached the arms and sculpted on the sleeves.
For the base of the bed and headboard I used foam board and added some items to make it look like the bed in the show. I made the bed-side table/drawer and you can see the starting of a machine with a IV drip next to her bed. You can also see how I mapped out the back wall. Then with the pieces added.
There was a table that Willow had on the bed. Here is the show picture, and then my before and after pictures. The only bummer is that I could not obtain square candle holders. I had to settle for making circular ones.
Here is the finished Willow in her bed:
Here is Willow with the set all done. I bought a dollhouse lamp and phone and painted the pieces to match with the show.
For Cordelia I used a Cordelia figure. I removed the hair and part of her lower torso. The normal figure stands crooked. I had to add clay to the lower part to make her look accurate. I also used a Paige hand (from Charmed figure). The arm/hand was originally resting on her leg but it shifted while being boiled so I decided to leave it. I also sculpted the shirt and lower pants.
Here is a show reference photo:
I after painting Cordelia I didn't like how her face turned out. It really didn't look all that much like her. I decided to try to paint it again. Of course after the second version, though more accurate, I liked the first version better--but I decided to just leave it alone.
My downfall here (and the camera takes such detailed pictures that it magnifies the mistakes) is that painting the lines on her shirt was such a battle. I should have used some tape and maybe I'll go back and redo this but for now I just left it. I don't have steady hands when it comes to painting so eyes, lines, and small details is very hard for me.
First version:
Second version:
For Oz, I used a regular Oz character. I cut off the wrist bracelets and some of his shirt. Then I sculpted his under shirt and outer shirt and cleaned up his wrists.
Here is the show reference photo:
Before and after pictures:
Finally, here is the whole set together.
Thank you so much! I am making more, but it takes time...sigh...
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