Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Body scene

Season 5, Episode 16: The Body
Original Air Date: 27 February 2001 Buffy sees Joyce lying on the couch, calls 911 and unsuccessfully follows emergency procedures. When the paramedics arrive, they realize that Joyce is dead. Buffy calls Giles and goes to the school to tell Dawn. Along the day, the Scooby gang grieves the death of Joyce and sympathizes with Buffy.

This was the first scene that I ever attempted and created. I used the cheerleader Buffy figure. I remember taking my exacto knife and cutting the figure in half and the thought that I just ruined a 10 dollar figure. I took off her pony tail and made a new pony tail. She had her hair up in a strange way. I used Joyce's action figure's legs for Buffy's legs. I was too afraid to paint a new face so that I left (but some day I may go back and redo it).

For Joyce I used her top, but sculpted her button down shirt. I used Anya's legs (with the skirt on) and glued that to the top half. I tried boiling the legs so the one would hang down off the sofa. It sort of worked.

For the sofa I used a dollhouse sofa (the 1:12 scale is perfect for the 6 inch figures). It was blue and white floral and I wanted a sofa to look like Buffy's sofa. I painstakingly searched at a few craft stores and I found a piece that was somewhat close to the sofa's material. I also made a few pillows (since the sofa had 5 huge pillows in the back). I added a coffee table and an end table that came with the dollhouse sofa set. . I needed to make the set bigger than it was (the original figures came with two pieces for the background and 2 floor pieces. I added some more pieces to the bottom and covered it with shelf paper that mimics wood flooring. There was a gap between he window so I worked at that too. I won't go into great detail, it was not easy! Finally I added a rug to make the room look complete.

This is the background I used (along with Joyce's top and legs (for Buffy).

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